Pollen Beetle – Identification, Occurrence, and Control

The pollen beetle, a common pest in the UK, primarily affects oilseed rape and other Brassica plants. Known scientifically as Meligethes aeneus, this beetle is an issue for crops and can sometimes become a nuisance in gardens. In this article, we’ll look at how to identify pollen beetles, understand where they are commonly found, and … Read more

Wharf Borer – Identification, Occurrence and Control

The Wharf Borer beetle (Nacerdes melanura) is a wood-boring pest in the UK, especially near damp, decaying wood in coastal and riverside areas. Known for damaging waterfront timber structures, it can also infest homes and buildings with high moisture levels. This article covers identifying the Wharf Borer, its common habitats, and effective control methods. What … Read more

Confused Flour Beetle – Identification, Occurrence and Control

The confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum), commonly found across the UK, is a small but significant pest that infests stored flour and grain-based products. This article will cover how to identify the beetle, ways to prevent its spread, and methods to manage and eliminate infestations in homes, food storage areas, and commercial facilities. How Do … Read more

Strawberry Blossom Weevil – Identification, Occurrence and Control

The strawberry blossom weevil (Anthonomus rubi) is a significant pest in the UK, primarily affecting strawberry and raspberry crops. This article details how to identify this pest, where it is found, how to prevent its spread, and the methods to control its impact on your plants. What Does the Strawberry Blossom Weevil Look Like? The … Read more

Raspberry Beetle – Identification, Occurrence, and Control

The raspberry beetle (Byturus tomentosus) is a significant pest affecting raspberries and other cane fruits like blackberries, loganberries, and tayberries. This article provides guidance on identifying the raspberry beetle, understanding its life cycle, where it’s found in the UK, and practical steps to manage and control this pest without compromising garden biodiversity. What Does the … Read more

Biscuit Beetle – Identification, Occurrence, and Control

The biscuit beetle (Stegobium paniceum), also called the drugstore beetle or bread beetle, is a common pest across the UK that infests stored foods and other organic materials. This article provides essential information on identifying biscuit beetles, effective methods for avoiding and controlling infestations, and details on their habitat and life cycle. What Does a … Read more

Harlequin Ladybird – Identification, Occurrence, and Control

The harlequin ladybird, known scientifically as Harmonia axyridis, is one of the most invasive insect species in the UK. Also referred to as the harlequin ladybug or multicoloured Asian ladybird, it poses a threat to native ladybirds due to its voracious appetite and adaptability. Since its introduction in 2004, it has rapidly spread across the … Read more

Garden Chafers in the UK – Identification, occurrence and control

Garden chafers are pretty common in the UK

The garden chafer (Phyllopertha horticola) is one of the most common pest beetles in the UK, notorious for the damage its larvae cause to lawns and gardens. Found across various regions in the UK, the garden chafer has a one-year lifecycle, with adult beetles emerging in late spring or early summer. Understanding how to identify, … Read more