Vitamin B against mosquitoes

B vitamins have not yet been proven to keep mosquitoes at bay.

The vitamins have also not been proven to reduce the symptoms of mosquito bites (i.e. itching, swelling and redness).

However, we still recommend trying B vitamins to avoid mosquito bites - especially if you tend to attract mosquitoes.

The reason for this recommendation is that many people have had good experiences using B vitamins against mosquitoes. In addition, the effect of the vitamins against mosquitoes is different for different people - and you can only find out if they work or not by trial and error.


Why should you try vitamin B?

Everyone should test the effect of B vitamins against mosquitoes on their own body, as it's impossible to know the effect without testing. If you tend to attract mosquitoes and get bitten a lot, you should definitely try the vitamins as they have the potential to make a big difference.

Overall, there are several good reasons to try B vitamins:

  • Lessons learned: Many people have found that the number of mosquito bites is greatly reduced with the use of B vitamins. Conversely, there are also many who experience no effect at all.
  • Individual impactAll mosquito repellents (including B vitamins) have different effects on different people. B vitamins are extremely effective for some, while they are completely ineffective for others. This also applies to other mosquito repellents such as mosquito sprays, mosquito repellent etc.
  • Chewing areas: In many mosquito-infested areas abroad, tourists are encouraged to take B vitamins to avoid mosquito bites. Of course, this is not proof that the vitamins deter mosquitoes, but it may indicate that they have an effect against mosquitoes in some people.
  • Combined effect: If you're going to be in a place with a lot of mosquitoes - and this can be in Denmark as well as abroad - it's a good idea to use B vitamins in combination with mosquito spray to optimize protection against mosquitoes.

The message is that you might as well try it out. In other words, you'll never know if B vitamins can help you avoid mosquito bites if you don't try them.


Which B vitamins are recommended for mosquitoes?

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) in particular is thought to be effective against mosquitoes, but other B vitamins may also have an effect.

We recommend the vitamin supplement MygoMax, which is a B vitamin complex (i.e. a combination of several B vitamins). MygoMax contains the following B vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine)
  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B3 (niacin)
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • B6 (pyridoxine)
  • B7 (biotin)
  • B9 (folic acid)
  • B12 (cobalamin)

We recommend MygoMax because it is specially formulated to keep mosquitoes at bay



As an alternative to MygoMax, try thistle oil capsules, as they work for many people (even if they don't contain B vitamins). Recommended thistle oil capsules can be purchased here.

Another option is to protect yourself with mosquito repellentswhich is arguably the most effective way to keep mosquitoes away.


Other tips and tricks

In addition to B vitamins and mosquito repellents, you can take the following precautions when staying in a place where there are many mosquitoes:

  • ClothingClothing: Make sure to wear long sleeves and trousers and try to minimize exposed skin areas. Clothing should be in light colors, as darker colors are more likely to attract mosquitoes.
  • Mosquito netsUse mosquito nets whenever possible. In particularly mosquito-infested areas, you can use mosquito nets impregnated with mosquito repellent.
  • Replenishment fundsIt's difficult to avoid mosquito bites completely, so you should always bring insect repellent with you when you're in places where there are a lot of mosquitoes. Read more about mosquito bite remedies here.

Remember that air conditioning also keeps mosquitoes at bay because they don't like the cold air.


The effect of vitamin B1 on the body

Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin found in many different foods - such as animal foods, grain products and legumes. Vitamin B1 plays an important role in our energy metabolism. Among other things, it helps ensure that the brain and the body's muscles (including the heart) can function.

There are several theories about how vitamin B1 (and other B vitamins) help us avoid mosquito bites. The most common is that the B vitamins:

  • changes our body odor, making us less attractive to mosquitoes
  • changes our body odor to deter mosquitoes
  • changes our body odor to "camouflage" us from the mosquitoes
  • changes the taste of our blood, making it too strong for the mosquitoes

None of these theories have been scientifically proven and most researchers today reject the idea that B vitamins can help us avoid mosquito bites - but that doesn't mean you can't try things out for yourself!